reduce Quiz

What does [24, 6, 2].reduce(:/) return?

0 1 2 [48, 2, 0, 0] The Ruby interpreter designates the first element in the array as the initial accumulator and successively applies the / operator, updating the accumulator with each iteration. This invocation of reduce is equivalent to 24 / 6 / 2, which returns 2.

What does [24, 6, 2].reduce {|acc, el| acc / el} return?

0 1 2 [48, 2, 0, 0] This invocation of reduce is functionally equivalent to the previous because the block simply invokes the / operator.

What does [24, 6, 2].reduce {|acc, el| acc / el - 1} return?

0 1 2 [48, 2, 0, 0] The accumulator is initially 24. The first iteration reassigns the accumulator to 3 (24 / 6 - 1). The second and final iteration reassigns the accumulator to 0 (3 / 2 - 1). (The block decrements one on each iteration, not just the final one.)

What does [24, 6, 2].reduce(48) {|acc, el| acc / el} return?

0 1 2 [48, 2, 0, 0] This invocation is equivalent to those of the first two questions except the initial accumulator is 48. The first iteration reassigns the accumulator to 2 (48 / 24). The second reassigns the accumulator to 0 (2 / 6). The third and final again reassigns the accumulator to 0 (0 / 2).

What does [24, 6, 2].reduce([48]) {|acc, el| acc << acc.last / el} return?

0 1 2 [48, 2, 0, 0] This invocation uses [48] as the initial accumulator. The first iteration reassigns the accumulator to [48, 2] ([48] << 48 / 24). The second reassigns the accumulator to [48, 2, 0] ([48, 2] << 2 / 6). The third and final reassigns the accumulator to [48, 2, 0, 0] ([48, 2, 0] << 0 / 2).

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