String Quiz

u = " unity "
i = "in the "
k = "kangaroo community"

Given the above variables, how might one build the string "1 unity in the kangaroo community"? You may select more than one option.

1.to_s + u + i + k 1.to_s + " unity " << i << k 1.to_s + " " + k[-5..-1] + " " + i + k Every option builds the string "1 unity in the kangaroo community" (although some are more elegant than others). The last option leverages the fact that k[-5..-1] == "unity", i.e., that "community" is a kangaroo word of "unity."
"divisions divide into divisions".split

What does the above code snippet return?

["", "visions ", "vide into", "visions"] ["divisions", "divide", "into", "divisions"] "divisions divide into divisions" "vsons ve nto vsons" split divides the string into an array using the default delimiter of ' '.
"divisions divide into divisions".split('di')

What does the above code snippet return?

["", "visions ", "vide into", "visions"] ["divisions", "divide", "into", "divisions"] "divisions divide into divisions" "vsons ve nto vsons" split divides the string into an array along the delimiter 'di'.
"divisions divide into divisions".upcase.downcase

What does the above code snippet return?

["", "visions ", "vide into", "visions"] ["divisions", "divide", "into", "divisions"] "divisions divide into divisions" "vsons ve nto vsons" downcaseis the last method invoked in the method chain, making the string entirely lowercase.
"redivider" * 3

What does the above code snippet return?

"redivider" ["r", "e", "d", "i", "v", "i", "d", "e", "r"] "redividerredividerredivider" "redivider redivider redivider" The multiplication operator concatenates x copies of the string, where x is the second operand.

What does the above code snippet return?

"redivider" ["r", "e", "d", "i", "v", "i", "d", "e", "r"] "vrriieedd" 2 "redivider" is a palindrome, i.e., it's equivalent to its reverse.

What does the above code snippet return?

"redivider" ["r", "e", "d", "i", "v", "i", "d", "e", "r"] "vrriieedd" 2 Invoking the chars method returns an array of the characters in "redivider". Reversing those characters has no effect given that "redivider" is a palindrome.

What does the above code snippet return?

"redivider" ["r", "e", "d", "i", "v", "i", "d", "e", "r"] "vrriieedd" 2 The string "redivider" is divided into an array of its characters, which is then sorted alphabetically and reversed and combined into a string.

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