Control Flow Quiz

if ["a", "b", "c"] == ("a".."c").to_a
  if "that was a guess,".length > 5
    "let's hope you know your " + (1..3).to_a.join + "'s."
    "You know your " << ("a".."c").to_a.join + "'s."
elsif 1 == 1 || 1 < 0
  # this statement is erroneous, but will its error be thrown?
  # recall that arrays cannot be compared except for equality.
  # (this wasn't a dogs > cats joke)
  ["dog"] < ["cat"]
  "That this statement is executed is " + ("reverse" == "reverse".reverse).to_s

Which subordinate block is executed in the above conditional statement?

"let's hope you know your" + (1..3).to_a.join + "'s." "You know your" << ("a".."c").to_a.join + "'s." "That this statement is executed is " + ("reverse" == "reverse".reverse).to_s ["dog"] < ["cat"] ["a", "b", "c"] == ("a".."c").to_a is true. The Ruby interpreter therefore evaluates the conditional statement nested under the if statement. "that was a guess,".length > 5 is also true. The Ruby interpreter therefore executes the subordinate block: "let's hope you know your" + (1..3).to_a.join + "'s." It executes no other code in the conditional statement.
if !(5 > 4 && 0 < 4)
  puts "I'm having an existential crisis."

Will puts "I'm having an existential crisis" be executed in the above block?

Yes No The ! operator reverses the boolean value of (5 > 4 && 0 < 4), which is true. The conditional expression is therefore false, and puts "I'm having an existential crisis." is never executed.
while true
  "Homer composed the Odyssey; given infinite time, with infinite circumstances and changes, it is impossible that the Odyssey should not be composed at least once."

Is the above code snippet an infinite loop?

Yes No The while keyword directs the interpreter to loop until a false condition is met. Because a false condition is never met, the loop is infinite.
counter = 0
while counter < 10
  counter = counter + 1

For how many iterations will the above loop execute?

10 9 11 None The loop executes ten times (from counter values 0 to 9).

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